Thursday, January 06, 2005

Not yet half way, but cheery anyways

Perhaps the body, as it gets older, reflects an actual political body. The longer elements are in power, the more stodgy and inflexible they become to new ideas. Making peace with foreign elements becomes more difficult as notions of correctness and balance become deeply engrained. If so, this is certainly why the infamous diplomatic immunity I've been waiting for between my inner ear and my tummy has finally taken place. The all-reigning brain which has been fighting the presence state of bobbing-up-and-down-hood, finally gave up in its realization that it can't win, or if it tries to win, it will kill the community entirely, namely me. I thanked my inner ear for standing down and allowing the movement to takeover everything it's known to be true correct and in balance. In the mean time, when this occurs, muscular aches and fatigue don't necessarily just disappear, but they become more manageable, as happens during any physical activity. My body dancing with the movement as I go about my daily doings no longer is a constant fight and struggle as it is merely a physical challenge which becomes almost automatic, like a car having to face a steep uphill twisty road must put itself in first gear and brace for it.

Until this morning, all signs of outside life have been nil. Four days of water and sky and every combination thereof. it started with MY spotting the freighter on my 6am watch. Yes I've been blessed with the two only spottings of other vessels since we departed La Restinga harbor. There's a fantastic thrill seeing another boat in the same boat, if you will. Truly two ships passing in the night, the other vessel was maybe 10 times longer than us with that much crew as well, passing us heading for Cape Town or some other African port. With the crack of dawn came our first flying fish, usually a common visitor while ocean crossing but bringing us immense excitement and relief to behold any life at all out here. The kids clicked themselves in and screeched at them for most of the morning.

In the Galley

Having had no luck yet with our fishing lures, I broke open the Lox and Cream cheese for breakfast this morning and it was the closest thing we've had to a fresh catch. Maybe now knowing that there are living things in these here waters we will be more inspired to figure out what the hell we're doing wrong with our lures. Achim and I never claimed to be good fisherpeople.

If anyone has a good recipe for green and or red cabbage, please send it our way. It can't include any meat cuz we don't have any. Also, I want to bake a cake and brought absolutely no recipes with me. Does anyone out there have any good cake recipes? We should have everything to make either a chocolate or lemon cake. My coconut curried chicken must have been a success because none is left.

The Kids

Seasickness has not been an issue for one minute with these two during this passage. Holding on to themselves and the objects of interest have provided a challenge, but they seem to have understood right away that:
things are different out here and yet
things are exactly the same out here.

In other words, nothing has stopped them from playing tiddly winks, building train tracks, drawing cutting and stickering, and generally making a mess that us adults have to gawk at and eventually partake in their restowings.

Ari has taken to wearing dresses, especially since watching the Princess and the Pauper. He has nevertheless set himself on one particular blue dress of Toni's, insisting that blue is his favorite color and it suits him best. He runs around saying, "bless you, my child." They never eat the same thing nor at the same time: juice for ari, chocolate milk for toni, then it's chocolate milk for ari, tea for toni... peanut butter for ari, honey for toni... garbanzo beans for ari, chicken for toni. Not one thing except the typical cookies and sweets pass both their lips. It's double trouble.

Fighting boredom, an issue which many have asked how we contend with, has not in the least been an issue. Not for one single second. I pray for boredom. the closest we seem to come is exhaustion. If I have a minute to myself, I want to finish the article I'm writing on La Graciosa.

Coby is outside making splices. All was going well and quiet until I just heard a huge wave dump right onto him and soak the cockpit through. The dry, sparky sailor is now a salty wet noodle. Inside, I'm dry and comfy...
If you like to see our current position online: and
should have a map showing AC6IH and our daily location...

We'd love to hear from you! Text only! or, if you arent registered, which is what happens if we have already written to you from aboard, register yourself at

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