Monday, January 24, 2011

letter I received from an old copain

Since I'm on FB, I've wanted to share a letter I received from an old boyfriend to whom I sent one of my good ol' newsletters:
Paris September 6, 1986
Erika, I'm sorry, but I'm very disappointed by this letter-writing system: I don't like being taken "en masse," with a letter which does not reflect a relationship between TWO PEOPLE.
I understand that this is an American methode, but I truly disapprove! (especially type-written)
How could you send a letter to several people, even though each person is so different in their complicity and in personality.
I send you kisses nonetheless, but I will only respond again if you write to me like a human being and non like a number. Kiss on the cheek, Laurent

So: here's my personal message to you, Laurent: Have we come a long way, baby?


Anonymous said...

I THINK i was one of the test subjects, and boy did i like the probing!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for creating this web site! I am so happy to be able to watch the progress of this restoration. I am filled with admiration for what you are doing! Best of luck with your work.

Anonymous said...

It’s too cool and beautiful to develop and motivate, build up character.

Anonymous said...

why didn’t I come across this article earlier!!! pretty useful!!!

David Guiotto said...

Hello Erika,

Thanks for getting in touch (I received your comment on Sawing Wood, and sent you an email in reply). Hope all is well with you,

David Beisly Guiotto